Showing posts with label L3C. Show all posts
Showing posts with label L3C. Show all posts

Monday, January 12, 2015

Volunteering with Focused Life is easy, fun and rewarding!

If you want to help Focused Life's Mission, just email me at

We need people to help out with the social and online media, and raising awareness in y her way, you will be a great asset and an original team member,at this point.

I've been planning this new type of transitional recovery residence for almost 3 years. I've gone through countless hours of SBIC &; STA training, I've collected hundreds of surveys and have done more research than is probably necessary, I'm days away from starting the 1st SMART Recovery meeting in Tampa and this is my passion, because I've experienced the suffering of a wasted life, and the resistance society imposes against anyone who tries to make their past, their past.

We have so much science for change now and it works when an individual is immersed in this environment. Fortune 500 companies pay hundreds of millions of dollars annually to have experts in change to guide them through a three day seminar to teach these processes. Addiction isn't and everyday habit and three days will not fix alive controlling problem, however the allotted amount of time, using these techniques at the forefront of science and medicine will most definitely have the optimum impact on the visual that we could expect in this day and age. This is the cornerstone of our recovery program.  However, the details are just as important. They are too numerous to list here,  but are documented in the curriculum of our coursework.

Focused Life is launching the recovery program as an L3C, a business entity that is structured like an LLC but it must be socially motivated. This means that if we make decisions based on our bottom line and settle our social impact we can lose our license. It also means that we are able to except program related investments. Program related investments are like grants that you have to pay back. They are issued by foundations and only to socially motivated businesses. And L3C stands for low profit Limited Liability Company. They are often described as hybrid between private sector and non-profit organizations.

We have a proven method for creating lasting change, showing others the processes and the psychological sciences behind what makes addictions such strong habits. Addiction have ruin the lives of people that we all know. The DSM 5 now names addiction as a disease and as such, when the person is treated successfully they should not be held in such high contempt by society, especially since we all know an addict, and have seen that person change from, likely, a good person to someone you wouldn't want to be around. This makes it one of the most undesirable diseases that one could have to face.

We believe in holding people accountable the same way as everyone else, except once the individual demonstrates that they are no longer actively addicted and it is unlikely they will return to their addiction , if they have paid for any misdeeds they might have acted out in their addiction, then they should be forgiven by their community and allowed an enjoyable life, like everyone else.

This leads me to Focused Life's Mission Statement. First and foremost, we are setting up to continue and enhance individual's recovery for a heightened chance of success. However, a close second to that, is our mission to create an environment where individuals, who were once addicted to drugs, alcohol or any life controlling problem, can expect to have a life in the future, the same as that is available to those who haven't experienced addiction. We are already working with local business owners who can comprehend the fact that these people that we are working for can change, and have changed.

They are empathetic to our cause , not necessarily because they can relate to it, but because they don't agree with the injustice of an unforgiving society towards an individual who has paid for his mistakes and has done an incredible thing in overcoming a life controlling problem. 

This is an amazing feat, considering that most recovery doctrines hold the individual as powerless over this issue. We know from extensive research and observation that this is not the case. People are resilient. The human factor cannot be dismissed even in the case of addiction. So, our third mission is to raise awareness of these truths and stop enabling addicted behaviors individually, and as a society, by leading them to believe that they are powerless over their own choices. I agree that most likely they cannot make these changes in their current state, environment , doing the same things, with the same people, in the same place where there is addiction was born.

Our doctrine is based on practical processes that can be implemented by anyone, and teaching these processes in the right environment with the proper group dynamic. We offer, because of the above-mentioned business owners and empathetic employers, good jobs, schooling, training and guidance to quickly transitioning these individuals to a new level.

Often these individuals, because of their disease, have lost much more than their health. We work with them to restore relationships, guide them to the best practices in transitioning back into society while focusing on helping these individuals regain everything that they have lost.

If you feel a connection with this cause I encourage you to volunteer to help anyway that you can. We are, of course in need of volunteers to help out with the initial workload of starting something like this and fighting addiction not the addicted individual. The war on drugs failed because we were fighting the wrong enemy. The entire recovery industry is broken because we were allowed dogma and superstition into our recovery programs. We focus on the life of the individual and her continued recovery. So if you are considering being a volunteer, I ask you to just start out with something small. We can talk about what you feel you can contribute and allow you to help in any way that we agree is fitting for our purpose. We need you.

We also need corporate sponsorship because we are starting A crowdfunding campaign in less than 60 days on That is why I am working so hard to build an online audience. I have an investor who had agreed to match my personal investment. The rest has to come from online investors.

I am currently most in new of print companies, online directories, Pro Bono business legal help in certain states*, preferably MI &  FL. Marketing, news media, grant writing &, SEO or anything.
If you just want to help doing something small, that would be great. You get the tee shirt regardless. If you are attempting to get your state's certified addiction specialist license, this is a great way to do some of the really specific volunteer hours.

Call 813.310.5563 for more info.

* FL, IL, VT, WY, KS, MI, , ND, RI or UT