Showing posts with label Focused Life Logo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focused Life Logo. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Possible new logo, Is it better than the old one, that made too many people associate Focused Life with 2nd amendment activists.

There are currently two places in the UK that supervise intervenous injections. It's false, there arent 90, yet. This is a recovery movement that tries to control the behavior, known as harm reduction.

True. There is currently at least one crack pipe vending machine, for the same reason, harm reduction. I wonder about the reason they came to the conclusion that a vending machine for drug paraphernalia was necessary.

False. Dum-dum. Crack does not help anything.

True addiction is a disease that only effects some people.

True. Of course, the medical community thinks that the definitions addiction and dependence are different. Everyone can become dependent, but addicted is another thing enirely.

I will put up the sources, manana. All of this was verified through NIDA.

How did you do. Did anyone get the crack pipe vending machine one. I wouldn't have.